
Mindful Horsemanship-Riding Coaching Approach

The goal of a mindful horsemanship is to begin to balance the student’s mind, body and spirit. We aim to  incorporate body awareness exercises, groundwork, lunging, long lining, obstacles-challenge courses, ground poles, small cross rails, round pen work with standard arena riding and horsemanship. Instruction will emphasize, what the rider is feeling throughout a lesson, both physically and mentally.

GMHA Dressage Show – First Horse Show “Caesar -LS”

With practice, students will start to identify when their inner voice shows up and begin to identify patterns that are helpful or keeping them stuck. Together, we will develop a plan to work through some self imposed limitations so that you can fulfill your potential as a horseman and rider.

GMHA Spring Jumper Show “Crow -AB”

The emotional and mental side of riding horses can make or break a performance. Elite athletes and performers understand that there is more to a peak performance than just physical training and working out. Are you nervous? Do you have anxiety? Do you struggle with negative self talk, self doubt? Do you have great rides/performances at home only to freeze up when it’s show time, test time? Do you want to have better communication skills? Looking for a deeper connections and relationships? Horses are great teachers and have a wonderful way of guiding us towards and inner harmony.

Princeton, NJ Montana Having Fun!!

We will work with you, your family, other coaches, instructors, therapist to improve your confidence and performances!

We offer beginner to advanced lessons for all ages, you are never too young or old to start a relationship with a horse. Our youngest student is 18 months old and our wisest student is 80 and that’s all that will be admitted to.

“Crow” ~ Blue is my Color!

English(Balanced Classical Seat), Jumping, Dressage, Western,  Long Line, Ground Work, Join Up, Showmanship, Equitation, Trail, Obstacles, Pleasure, Driving, Side Saddle, Gymkhana, Bareback Riding,  IEA Teams, 4H, Pony Club …

Read more about our Lessons and Wellness programs.