We invite you to visit Willow Brook Farm and explore the wonderful world of horsemanship. We are a year round equine facility providing opportunities for individuals to explore various equine disciplines to achieve equestrian and personal goals and dreams.
Horses and riders will enjoy a relaxed mountain atmosphere, where
you can clear your mind, train and relax on over 60 acres of arenas, paddocks, pastures and trials located in Plainfield, NH just minutes from Dartmouth College, DHMC and Interstates I-91 & I-89.
We look forward to horsing around with you.
All the best,
Willow Brook Farm Core Values are:
·Do harm to none, treat others as you would like to be treated.
·Living a mindful life in the present by letting go of past events, nor creating imagined future outcomes
·Inspiring students to practice mindful riding, mindful leadership and mindful living
·Following an ethical path of honesty, integrity, social responsibility, with an eye towards continuous improvement
·Coaching and teaching with an empathetic positive, optimistic open-mind
·Combining passion, perseverance, persistence, performance, partnership = P⁵
·Ensuring accountability and reliability between coach and students. Finding harmony and balance in life: family, school, work and play
·Understanding mistakes, errors and presumed failures are opportunities! “Stepping Stones” towards success and enjoyment
“The horse could and did give man a total education. He had to be tamed and befriended, and could not be fooled by honeyed words. Thus, only those who had the humility to blame failures on themselves and never on their mount could benefit from the education a horse could offer. All others, those who blame their failure on their horses and deny their own role as the “smarter partner”, can never experience character growth.
The humble, however, who look for the remedy to their mistakes in themselves, will recognize their own imperfections, will seek corrections, and will ultimately experience the growth of virtue.
Ennobling character changes will follow. The rider’s attention span will lengthen, endurance and tolerance of pain and discomfort will increase. They will be braver, stronger in body, mind and spirit. Their powers of concentration will deepen to a meditative state, oblivious of anything outside the harmonious absorption of their communion with the horse.”
~Charles de Kunffy
The Ethics and Passions of Dressage
Our Mission

Willow Brook Farm’s mission is to continually discover the wonder and spirit of our relationships with our equine partners and students.
“There is nothing better for the inside of a man than the outside of a horse.”
~Winston Churchill
Check out Riding Lessons and Wellness and Educational Programs